package com.hypnoticocelot.jaxrs.doclet.parser; import; import com.hypnoticocelot.jaxrs.doclet.DocletOptions; import com.hypnoticocelot.jaxrs.doclet.model.Api; import com.hypnoticocelot.jaxrs.doclet.model.Method; import com.hypnoticocelot.jaxrs.doclet.model.Model; import com.hypnoticocelot.jaxrs.doclet.model.Operation; import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.MethodDoc; import com.sun.javadoc.Type; import java.util.*; import static; import static; import static com.hypnoticocelot.jaxrs.doclet.parser.AnnotationHelper.parsePath; public class ApiClassParser { private final DocletOptions options; private final ClassDoc classDoc; private final String rootPath; private final Set<Model> models; private final Collection<ClassDoc> classes; private final Method parentMethod; public ApiClassParser(DocletOptions options, ClassDoc classDoc, Collection<ClassDoc> classes) { this.options = options; this.classDoc = classDoc; this.rootPath = firstNonNull(parsePath(classDoc.annotations()), ""); this.models = new LinkedHashSet<Model>(); this.classes = classes; this.parentMethod = null; } /** * Creates sub-resource class parser. * @param parentMethod method that creates the sub-resource. */ public ApiClassParser(DocletOptions options, ClassDoc classDoc, Collection<ClassDoc> classes, Method parentMethod) { this.options = options; this.classDoc = classDoc; this.rootPath = firstNonNull(parsePath(classDoc.annotations()), ""); this.models = new LinkedHashSet<Model>(); this.classes = classes; this.parentMethod = parentMethod; } public String getRootPath() { return rootPath; } public Collection<Api> parse() { List<Api> apis = new ArrayList<Api>(); Map<String, Collection<Method>> apiMethods = new HashMap<String, Collection<Method>>(); for (MethodDoc method : classDoc.methods()) { ApiMethodParser methodParser = parentMethod == null ? new ApiMethodParser(options, rootPath, method) : new ApiMethodParser(options, parentMethod, method); Method parsedMethod = methodParser.parse(); if (parsedMethod == null) { continue; } if (parsedMethod.isSubResource()) { ClassDoc subResourceClassDoc = lookUpClassDoc(method.returnType()); if (subResourceClassDoc != null) { // delete class from the dictionary to handle recursive sub-resources Collection<ClassDoc> shrunkClasses = new ArrayList<ClassDoc>(classes); shrunkClasses.remove(classDoc); // recursively parse the sub-resource class ApiClassParser subResourceParser = new ApiClassParser(options, subResourceClassDoc, shrunkClasses, parsedMethod); apis.addAll(subResourceParser.parse()); models.addAll(subResourceParser.models()); } continue; } models.addAll(methodParser.models()); String realPath = parsedMethod.getPath(); Collection<Method> matchingMethods = apiMethods.get(realPath); if (matchingMethods == null) { matchingMethods = new ArrayList<Method>(); apiMethods.put(realPath, matchingMethods); } matchingMethods.add(parsedMethod); } for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<Method>> apiEntries : apiMethods.entrySet()) { Collection<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<Operation>( transform(apiEntries.getValue(), new Function<Method, Operation>() { @Override public Operation apply(Method method) { return new Operation(method); } }) ); apis.add(new Api(apiEntries.getKey(), "", operations)); } Collections.sort(apis, new Comparator<Api>() { @Override public int compare(Api o1, Api o2) { return o1.getPath().compareTo(o2.getPath()); } }); return apis; } private ClassDoc lookUpClassDoc(Type type) { for (ClassDoc subResourceClassDoc : classes) { if (subResourceClassDoc.qualifiedTypeName().equals(type.qualifiedTypeName())) { return subResourceClassDoc; } } return null; } public Collection<Model> models() { return models; } }